miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


The causes are multiple heats hegemony:

* The way in which fully assimilated with other races
* They adopted the language and culture of those
* Their culture was amalgamated with that of those
* They kept at the same time their language
* They were a sort of aristocracy or race superior to others
* Initially formed small states, which came to dominate four are:
or Babylon
or Erex or Orc
or Uarkadel XIX century located on the left bank of the Euphrates River, 40 miles south of Babylon
or Accad, the center of the primitive tribes of this name, also called Nippur, which was in the midst of the Chaldean itself and along the famous Royal Canal and Xalan or Ur Chaldean word meaning "the city par excellence."


   Religious principles of the wise Chaldeans who had to inform the beliefs of the culture permeated Assyrian Chaldean astrological foundation of the religion by the following:

* The wise Chaldean priests said that one day the god came Uanna Erytreo Sea, in the form of man with fish tail and teach them astronomy.
* According to Diodorus Siculus long no one knows better than the Chaldean the following:
o The influence of certain phenomena
o The science of the future
* The essentials of his doctrine was as follows:
or movements of the five planets they called interpreters
o The most important of these five planets was Helios, the Sun
or wise to observe the output and setting of the stars and their color, by deducting from his observation that:
Atmospheric changes
Weather changes
The appearance of comets
# Sol
# Luna
Earthquakes, etc.
or addition to the five planets placed more than 30 stars called "gods advisers" which:
Half lived in the land
The other half below it, to respond equitably to things celestial and human
and also after "twelve lords of the gods", each of whom presided over one month and one zodiac sign
or believed that the moon was closer to the earth by reason of their weight and their revolutions executed in less time than the sun because it described un'círculo smaller
or in the cities had one or more observatories in the form of tower or pyramid known as "ziggurats."
Chaldean Assyrian culture was the fusion of these 2 cultures similar story.The Chaldean MagiChaldean magicians who practiced the occult had two types of magic that were:

* White Magic, which was part of worship, for which they communicated with spirits magicians top
* Black magic, condemned by religion, made by sorcerers who exploited the bad passions.
TalismansThe pious people to guard against the evil influence of spells and evil spirits, talismans used was a band of fabric with written formulas that were set as follows:

* Clothes
* Furniture
* Figurines of gods who had been suspended were:
or Neck
or hard stone cylinders