miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


The causes are multiple heats hegemony:

* The way in which fully assimilated with other races
* They adopted the language and culture of those
* Their culture was amalgamated with that of those
* They kept at the same time their language
* They were a sort of aristocracy or race superior to others
* Initially formed small states, which came to dominate four are:
or Babylon
or Erex or Orc
or Uarkadel XIX century located on the left bank of the Euphrates River, 40 miles south of Babylon
or Accad, the center of the primitive tribes of this name, also called Nippur, which was in the midst of the Chaldean itself and along the famous Royal Canal and Xalan or Ur Chaldean word meaning "the city par excellence."

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