miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Chaldean Empire

   During the period of Assyrian domination of Babylon, the Chaldeans had a strong resistance to the Assyrian realm. When Babylonia finally reestablished its independence, was under a Chaldean dynasty. After the conquest of Babylon by the Persians, Chaldeans disappear as a separate tribe. The Chaldean Dynasty kings were:

* Nabopolassar: 626 a. C.-605 a. C.
* Nebuchadnezzar II: 605 a. C.-562 a. C.
* Evilmerodac: 562 a. C.-560 a. C.
* Neriglissar: 560 a. C.-556 a. C.
* Labashi-Marduk: 556 a. C.
* Nabonidus: 556 a. C.-539 a. C.

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